Become a Member
Member Benefits
- Invitation to our private facebook group where you can connect with other members, share information and get support.
- Access to a specialised library on adoption, fostering and children who have experienced trauma
- Monthly events such as playgroup, morning teas and teen/tween events
- Invite to our annual Christmas party
- Access to families who understand your journey and can provide advice
- Opportunity for your children to meet with other children who are like them in terms of growing up in an adoptive environment
- Connect with families who understand the unique circumstances of forming families through fostering or adoption
- AKFFA advocates on behalf of its members on issues such as adoption legislation in the ACT
How to Join
To become a member of the Adoptive, Kinship and Fostering Families Association (ACT), please complete the Membership Application Form.
Membership Options
Joining Fee: $50
Payments can be made to BSB 062-907 Account 00802959
Membership Application Form
Who We Are
The Adoptive, Kinship and Fostering Families Association is run by a small committee of volunteers who coordinate activities and resources. Member participation is always encouraged in organising, as well as attending, events.